Scale your 6 + 7 figure business with profit, impact, and personal joy + wellbeing.

Flourish Mastermind

welcome to the

Submit your interest form today!

Our next cohorts launch
Sept 2024


submit your interest form

What's keeping you from growing your business?  

Normally it's fear + overwhelm and whatever you're scared of and overwhelmed about will keep you stuck.

Want to know what I've found on my biz journey?  That community cultivates your courage, and coaching cultivates your clarity!

...who will champion you towards yours

Surround yourself with like-minded women courageously going after their goals...

Playing through the list of things they “should” be doing in their business.

Feeling the anxiety of the undone to-do list that awaits them tomorrow morning.

Wishing they had been more present with their friends - or kids - at dinner that evening.

Worried about the increased investment that this level of business requires, worried that clients will stop showing up, and the money will run out.

Replaying what they said to their employee earlier that day, knowing they needed to communicate a boundary (but didn’t).

Knowing what they need to do when it comes to that big or hard thing on their mind, but dreading doing it. (And back burner-ing it until “tomorrow.”)

Wondering where the heck the other 6 and 7 figure business owners are who understand what it’s like to do business at this level!

You are not alone. I wish all women entrepreneurs could hear what keeps their peers up at night!  Here are a few...

It's my JOY to curate a values-aligned community for you.

You are not alone in your experience.  And you're definitely not crazy!


Service-Based Businesses

Brick + Mortar Biz Owners

Product-Based Businesses

My mastermind cohorts are filled with phenomenal women from all different industries.  My clients love learning from each other!  All types of businesses are welcome.

imposter syndrome got the best of me

My Personal Mastermind Story

Signed with love, Emily

Why I began The Flourish Mastermind

You've got what it takes.  But you're not meant to do this alone.  I’m so glad you’ve landed on this page because that tells me something very important about you: you’re ready to make a change in the way you do business (and life!).

And you deserve to be supported + championed

Community is powerful...

A Harvard psychologist found that up to 95% of your success in life is determined by who you habitually surround yourself with. Said another way: your biz besties are your greatest predictors of your success.

I think this is especially true when we think about what *type* of success we want to have.

Stats show that we need community to be successful

A pretty wild statistic

...they've hit that multiple six or seven figure mark (success by most peoples' standards), but they've felt like they've had to do it through sacrificing their mental health, their joy, and their life. It's hard for them to see how they could possibly scale their business *and* have a life that they genuinely love. And if they're being super honest, they feel lonely.

While I find that masterminds for men (or men + women) are plentiful, I myself found it hard to find a values-aligned mastermind where my experience as a woman would be centered.  And when I did, it changed the trajectory of my business (and life!) FOREVER. 

Bringing together women business owners, into community, where there's an integrative approach to strategy, accountability, mental health resilience, and cultivating JOY is my sweet spot. And I've watched my clients flourish - in business *and* life - within community.

For most women entrepreneurs that come into my programs...

What I hear from my clients

I know that structure and accountability will help you in “staying the course” on what you want to accomplish. We do monthly planning together as a community and keep it fun, staying accountable to each other, and sharing with the group what our “Top 3” are for the month so we can cheer you on!

Monthly planning + accountability sessions


Each quarter, we’ll work hand-in-hand to create a personalized, bespoke quarterly plan so you can feel confident, focused, and strategic with things that will move the needle on your personal and professional goals. This will serve as your roadmap, easily enabling you to throw your focus on what matters, and to set yourself up for success.

Bespoke quarterly strategic plans for your business


95% of your success in life is directly attributed to who you spend your time with. Surround yourself with women who "get it" + are going for it. We're going to have a lot of fun together!

A year long cohort of 16-20 women (the *best* women!) 


Strategy Tools, Coaching, Personal Development, + Community

mastermind components

The knowledge + encouragement in your new network is going to be phenomenal. Connect with your cohort through Slack - and I"ll also have weekly Slack office hours when I'll jump in with my feedback as well.

Private community Slack channel


Bring your "most expensive" business question every two weeks, and receive guidance from myself and your cohort community. You’ll learn so much from others’ questions, too - and you'll get fresh inspiration under your wings every two weeks! (1.5 hours each)

Bi-weekly results-oriented hot seat coaching calls


The best way to fight overwhelm and feeling stuck is with a straightforward roadmap for exactly where to throw your focus. My clients say this is my secret sauce that saves them *lots* of time, money, and stress.

Six 1:1 laser-focused 30 minute coaching  sessions with me


Throughout your year-long experience of being coached, I will be using a neuroscience-backed approach to coaching you, and giving you recommendations.  This approach helps you take aligned action, manage how you feel, build resilience, and take back the driver's seat in your business - and life.  

Neuroscience-backed approach to coaching


This framework has equipped my clients to scale their businesses during our time working together in the mastermind, but will serve as your roadmap for many, many years to come. The “flywheel” I create with each of my clients during our first month together has been what my clients call their biggest game changer, and that's just the start of the framework!

My "Freedom to Flourish" Framework


You know that strategic work you dread and like to hide from? Over 4 hours, you'll knock it out alongside your fellow masterminders. We'll have monthly prizes to keep it fun!

Monthly virtual coworking sessions


Intensive #1 (3 Days - September 2024)
Join me at my home, The Wildflower Retreat, in Durham, NC

Intensive #2 (3 Days - January 2025)
We look forward to meeting you in the beautiful city of Charlottesville, VA where you'll get to experience a fun + vibrant city - as well as the gorgeous surroundings of a vineyard as we learn in a greenhouse.  

Intensive #3 (4 Days - late April 2025)
We're headed to the beautiful Algarve Coast of Portugal for this year's mastermind where you'll experience a *true* Portugal experience.  Think an olive grove tour + picnic, ceramics painting class, yoga on our rooftop, wine tasting, + a private chef at our gorgeous villa!

***While we'd love everyone to attend all intensives in person, we know this is not always possible. All retreat sessions will be recorded and replays made available for those with scheduling conflicts. We also offer live attendance via Zoom if you are not able to be with us in person!  (And yes, you'll receive all retreat dates + locations before being asked to pay your deposit.)

Yes, We Include Three in Person Intensives! 

"Being a part of this mastermind has impacted my business in huge ways, including a 40% increase in year over year business." - Kelsey, GreenRoost


real results from clients

"If you’re on the fence, I want you to think about the person that you want to be… they are going to be so much greater than you imagined, and this environment helps to bring that out." - Erica, Whole Mentality


real results from clients

...helping them grow their income and impact without sacrificing themselves in the process.

After leaving Wall Street, Emily founded The Flourish Market, building it to a million dollar company in less than three years. As a sought-after business strategist, Emily speaks at high-profile events nationwide, has been featured in top-rated media such as Forbes, Shopify, and The Goal Digger Podcast, and she reaches more than 55,000 women weekly through her podcast, social media, and obsession-worthy newsletter.  Emily’s clients value her neuroscience-backed approach to coaching and often refer to her as a “Business Therapist” and their “Game Changer.”

Emily Grey is a Business Strategist and Leadership Coach for six + seven figure entrepreneurs who crave the freedom to flourish...

Meet Your Coach

When Emily is not helping her clients flourish, you can find her paddle boarding and kayaking, crafting killer cocktails, traveling the world with her wife, and being an overly obsessed dog mom to her sweet pittie and 2 (ridiculously wild) GSP’s. 

A glimpse into the retreat experience

---> A One Hour Private 1:1 Coaching Call with me in July
---> I'll help you get traction towards your goals even before your formal mastermind program begins in September!

bonus 1:1 coaching with me

1:1 Coaching

---> Pre-Access Upon Joining to Your 4 Personality / Workstyle Assessments 
---> Pre-Access Upon Joining to Your Business Deep Dive Pre-Work 

get the (pre) party started!


Early Bird Bonuses

"…we really get to know one another and each other’s businesses and we’re able to support each other because of that." - Bryce, Career Collective


real results from clients

- Cathy, Founder of 700 Rivers

“As a first time business owner, I knew 700 Rivers had an amazing handcrafted, natural bath product line that our customers loved but the hardest part was not knowing what information retailers needed from me in order to have the most beneficial relationship for us both! Em helped us bridge that gap, and after her coaching program, I more than doubled our total annual sales, I increased our product line x5, and I made my first sales hire.

While this was always the vision I had for my company and I believe I could have gotten myself here eventually, I truly believe that I got my business to this point faster and more strategically because of Emily’s coaching.”


I always come away with my heart full and my head maybe a little fuller just because it can be such an intense process to think of our businesses and ourselves in the way we do at these retreats.
Many of us are mothers and wives and so of course stepping away from our families for 4 days isn’t easy. But, in my case at least, turning off the noise of the day-to-day hustle is the only way to reach deep and lean into what growth means for me.

"Turning off the noise of the day-to-day hustle is the only way to reach deep and lean into what growth means for me."

Sidra Trajcevska, founder of the ramadan readiness course

"Masterminding with master business women and exploring a vibrant city.  I've never felt so much support.  Safety.  And alignment as I have in these 48 hours and 4 months.  The kindness and community is one reason I joined.  The courage to offer my coaching experience as a frameworks program has been on my mind for over 3 years and I will. finally. be. launching. 

I cannot wait for what is next and serving my community with much needed tools.  Love these lovelies.  Could not have done it without my new community." - Instagram post from Sidra after our 2nd retreat!

kind words

real results from clients

Our two Flourish Mastermind cohorts that kicked off in January sold out quickly. 

My next mastermind cohorts will launch in September 2024 - and I don't want you to miss out on going after what your heart + soul desires.

If you're interested in joining, the first step to take is to fill in the interest form linked below.  

This mastermind is specifically for entrepreneurs running 6 + 7 figure businesses.

Interviews will take place in July, and we do expect these spots to fill quickly, so I encourage you to not overthink the answers on your interest form, and to just get it in. ;)

***If you're like me, you probably have a few more questions. You'll be able to ask those in your interest form, and myself or one of the phenomenal women on my team will get those answers to you.***

Let's do this thing!

We look forward to hearing from you!

I remember filling out my first mastermind application in December of 2017 and feeling almost like an imposter applying.

I wasn’t an imposter. And neither are you.  

It’s time to get into community, and make this the year that you can look back on with great pride of who you have become.

***When you Pay Your Deposit in July***
(we use a payment plan - 20% is due to reserve your spot)